CHANGEMAKER: Brent & Kate Hostetter, Brentwood Builders

Brent and Kate Hostetter transform homes in Lancaster to create new opportunities for revitalization in the community at Brentwood Builders.

Q: Why is it important to help revitalize neighborhoods in Lancaster?

A: Growing up, my dad would describe the glory days of Lancaster City—when Watt & Shand was the place to shop for novelty items, and he would head Downtown to see the tree lighting. We would take our own trips Downtown complete with Long Johns from market, London Fogs at the new Prince Street Cafe, and a stop at Zanzibar to smell the soaps. Lancaster has always held this nostalgic place in my heart. Seeing the city through my dad’s eyes helped me to gain a love for it and a passion to see it restored to those glory days. We are so lucky that Brentwood Builders gets to play a part in that!

Q: How do you think your work offering renovated homes to people cultivates the community?

A: Our goal is to design and renovate homes that complement the character Lancaster already has to offer. Whether you are a local, or visiting the City, we hope that walking past one of our homes sparks inspiration and adds to that charm our City holds.

Restoring Lancaster’s Story: Brent and Kate Hostetter transform homes in Lancaster to create new opportunities for revitalization in the community at Brentwood Builders.

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