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More Education & History

Solvit Academy Announces New Middle School

What makes the Solvit Academy middle school different? It will focus on providing learners with real-world work experiences before they even step foot into a high school or college setting. Voyagers are already exposed to entrepreneurship skills through Solvit Academy’s annual Children’s Business Fair…

Curiosity is Sparking at Solvit Academy

Picking the right education for your child is an important building block for their future, and Solvit Academy is offering full-day Kindergarten to start them on their journey. Located in the heart of Lancaster City…

Elizabethtown College Launches 2021-22 Lecture Series

Elizabethtown College will host five dynamic speakers this year as a part of its new 2021-22 Lecture Series. President Cecilia M. McCormick, J.D. invites the public to join the Etown community as the institution continues its rich tradition of hosting speakers on campus who provide audiences with the opportunity to be enlightened…

A New Chapter in Lancaster’s History

Dr. Leroy Hopkins is a local historian, Millersville University professor emeritus of German, and Lancaster resident. He received his bachelor’s degree from Millersville and his Ph.D. at Harvard University.

Milestones: Our Stories of Origin

Small business are the heart and soul of Lancaster City. We salute them for the courage, strength, and innovation that not only saw them through last year, but has made Lancaster County a model for tenacity and ingenuity…

Fresh Face: Lancaster Reading Solutions LLC

The new microSchool launched by Lancaster Reading Solutions is taking a revolutionary approach to education and schooling. With
an authentically individualized plan for each student, the microSchool is able to empower learners who may have felt like they didn’t “fit” in their former educational surroundings.

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Designed and produced four times a year, Fig Lancaster magazine is filled with the latest in Lancaster including local shopping, dining, arts, events, and community.