Community Interest
Meet Our 2020 Social Mission Partner: Lancaster Education Foundation
We’re thrilled to partner with The Lancaster Education Foundation to help further their mission in our City. Learn more about LEF and how you can support their cause!

We are excited to announce that our 2020 Fig Social Mission Partner is the Lancaster Education Foundation!
First, we’d like to thank everyone for voting! Your passion and advocacy for the deserving nonprofits in the City of Lancaster is incredible. We received submissions for more than 20 impactful nonprofits in our community and we are grateful for your voice and participation.
The outpouring of support and nominations that we received for the Lancaster Education Foundation (LEF) was unprecedented. We heard from students, teachers, administration, and community members about how LEF has enriched them personally or those around them.
LEF is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting teaching excellence and student success in the School District of Lancaster. It provides enrichment opportunities for students and teachers by engaging in community partnerships, leveraging resources, and advocating for public education.
We had a Q&A session with LEF’s Executive Director, Ann Womble and Program Manager, Sandi Mauer. They shared a little more insight with us about who LEF is, what they do, and how we can support them as a community!
Q: What is the need that Lancaster Education Foundation seeks to meet?
A: LEF exists to support the School District of Lancaster. We provide financial assistance for students and teachers alike. We are helping to fill in the gaps where the School District cannot. We serve the 13 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, and one high school campus in the School District of Lancaster.
Q: Tell us about a few of the programs LEF provides.
A: We have an Adopt-an-SDoL Classroom program where a community donor directly supports a teacher/classroom. Their funding goes to purchasing essential supplies like tissues, pencils, books, classroom activities, and other necessary classroom components. Donations for Adopt-an-SDoL Classroom can be anywhere from $250 and up.
We also assist teachers through The Venture Grant program. The grants gifted provide funds for teachers to implement innovative and creative educational ideas. Examples of Venture Grants include Artists in Residence programs, educational field trips, science equipment, and the purchasing of world musical instruments.
LEF/Barnes & Noble holiday book drive.
LEF partnered with the local Barnes & Noble for its annual holiday book drive. Lancaster residents purchased approximately 4,300 books, totaling more than $40,000 in value. The books were given to children at local shelters and in the School District of Lancaster.
The School District of Lancaster is the only district in the county that provides dual enrollment to high school students at no cost to the students or their families. LEF raises funds to help offset that cost to the district. Dual enrollment classes are college classes offered to high school students in order to get ahead on their post-graduation credits.
One of our most unique programs is the Museum School inside of Carter & MacRae Elementary School. The Museum School is a hands-on demonstration of what a day would be like in a one-room schoolhouse in the 1850s. This program has been around for 25 years and is a popular field trip for 3rd graders! Their day is spent with period actors, who create an authentic, educational and fun experience for the children. It would be a dream to see all the 3rd graders in our district experience this program!
Q: What type of impact does LEF have in the School District of Lancaster?
A: We provide $90,000 for scholarships every year. Last year, 176 classrooms were adopted, and sponsors donated around $50,300 in funds and supplies. With over 11,000 students and 1,600 staff, the School District of Lancaster is the largest in Lancaster County. It’s an honor to serve here.
Q: As we enter a new decade, what are LEF’s goals for 2020 and beyond?
A: We’re always looking to add new programing or improve our current programs and we seek to align ourselves with the goals of the district and superintendent, Dr. Damaris Rau. It’s everyone’s goal that this district and foundation are able to make a positive, lasting impact on each and every student.
We’d love to be the front-door to introduce volunteers, donors and community supporters to the School District of Lancaster.
Q: How can the community get involved with the foundation’s efforts?
A: Donations and contributions are a huge support. Whether that’s adopting an SDoL classroom or supporting the scholarship fund, we encourage the community to reach out and connect with us. We’d love to be the front-door to introduce volunteers, donors and community supporters to the School District of Lancaster.
Follow Fig Lancaster over the coming year to learn more about LEF both in-print and across our social and digital channels.
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