Community Interest
CHANGEMAKER: Melanin Essentials
Melanin Essentials uses an ethical social impact retail model to employ single mothers and low-income parents to make their organic, sustainably produced skincare and hair products.

Melanin Essentials is a social impact company that makes handcrafted eco-friendly, all-natural, and organic personal care products. In the future, they plan to hire and pay a thriving wage to single mothers and lowincome parents who will work in their green manufacturing facilities, that will also host quality, affordable childcare. In an effort to become one of the first zero waste beauty brands, Melanin Essentials uses 100% recyclable and biodegradable material—from packaging to shipping.
This feature is sponsored by Blakinger Thomas: The team at Blakinger Thomas Law Firm uplifts the community and assists nonprofit organizations by serving on a variety of boards, participating in charitable events, and providing quality legal services to the community. Recently, they were excited to come alongside Melanin Essentials by donating their legal services when Melanin Essentials was named the winner of ASSETS’ Great Social Enterprise Pitch.