High Five: Arisleyda Calderón

Fellow School District of Lancaster faculty along with LINK Business are giving Arisleyda, Career Pathways Specialist at SDOL, a high five for the impact she is making on the Lancaster community and beyond.

Fellow School District of Lancaster faculty along with LINK Business are giving Arisleyda, Career Pathways Specialist at SDOL, a high five for the impact she is making on the Lancaster community and beyond.

“As a member of the Rotary Club of Lancaster and volunteer at McCaskey High School, I would like to recognize Arisleyda not only for her great work in the Rotary Mentoring Program, but also for all that she contributes to the lives of the students at SDOL.”

– Joseph Guarino, Principal / President & CEO of LINK Business

“I am never surprised but always impressed by Arisleyda’s commitment to our students. She truly embodies the caring spirit of authentic mentorship, and every student who meets with her leaves feeling seen, heard, and empowered.”

- Phil Jago, Jago M.Ed., Coordinator of College and Career Services, School District of Lancaster

“Arisleyda always goes the extra mile to provide meaningful experiences for the students at McCaskey. Her attention to detail and skill with managing events complement perfectly her huge heart and love for the young people she serves.”

- Alejandra Zavala, College & Career Project Specialist, School District of Lancaster

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