Local Visionary – Dr. Lewis E Thayne

At LVC, we have a vested interest in Lancaster.

Introducing you to the people and places that make Lancaster special is our mission. In the spring edition of Fig, you met some of our friends who are forging new paths and are selflessly committed to our community. Now, more than ever, we want to show our appreciation.⁠


Dr. Lewis Thayne – President, Lebanon Valley College



“Here in Lancaster, urban life and rural life are seen as mutually reinforcing, part of a shared purpose. There are no static assumptions. We expect a dynamic environment and even plan for it. Many cities have a bias toward pessimism, but Lancaster remains optimistic despite the real challenges cities face.”


“Through the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, business and higher education are in continuous conversation about what will be needed to assure a bright, prosperous future and a good life. I have been part of this ongoing dialogue since 2005 when I came to Franklin & Marshall and became deeply connected to Lancaster and strategic planning.”

"At LVC, we have a vested interest in Lancaster because 1 in 7 of our students is from the City and the County as well as over 2000 alumni."

“Our MBA program is offered at IU13 located at Burle Conference Center. We partner with Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, Fulton Bank, Brethren Village Retirement Community, Church World Services, and Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity. Our students intern in dozens of businesses, health care facilities, and cultural institutions.”


“We expanded our partnerships in Lancaster during the eight years of my presidency. My hope is that LVC will further their involvement and strengthen the alignment. Personally, my wife Dorry and I will continue to live in Lancaster, actively involved with the City and its vibrant educational, cultural, and creative life.”


Passion Project:

Building the health professions and business partnerships that are necessary today and critical in the future. Over the years, I have served at Franklin & Marshall College, United Way, Lancaster Country Day School, and St. James Episcopal Church.


Reason for Gratitude:

I met Ann Barshinger in 2005 and my admiration has grown every year since. Interesting, generous, kind-hearted, and sharp-witted.

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