Meduseld Redux

Axe-throwing and mead? Yes, please.

A lot has transpired in the past 8 months since I first wrote about Meduseld Meadery (for a recap, check out my article from last summer). I’ve made repeat stops there, trying my best to spread the word to friends, family, and workmates alike and hoping for the word-of-mouth to go viral like a new age dragon fire.


In early November, I enlisted the wisdom of Willie Wrede, Meduseld’s gracious owner, to craft my own batch of peppermint mead for a Christmas Eve gathering that my wife and I were hosting. It was a month plus endeavor that came out surprisingly well for a first try. By the end of the night’s festivities, the jar was nearly empty.

What’s the main subject of this photo: the peppermint mead at center or my photobombing cat? 

In January, Meduseld also began an ambitious expansion project once it was revealed that its co-tenant, All State Insurance, would not be renewing its lease. Since then, the space has been increased to accommodate a small stage for live entertainment as well as an axe-throwing range. If I had to quantity these additions, I’d say that it’s doubled in size. The meadery has also debuted a food menu to accompany its ever growing mead selection.

There’s no shortage of things to do. In this April photo, The Ogham Stones perform a live music set (left) as a patron makes use of the axe-throwing range (right) (photo courtesy of Meduseld Meadery’s Facebook page). 

Of course, I had to give the axe-throwing a try. The range itself is still largely under construction, yet it’s intimidating in its raw form. It is, after all, a form of spectacle made to feel as if all eyes are on you. The biggest challenge is being aware of your surroundings and the common-sense do’s and don’ts of axe-throwing, which are admittedly not too much unlike darts (except with a greater chance of dismemberment). There’s a certified instructor present to show you the proper form, where to stand on the range, and other issues of safety (participants must wear actual shoes – sandals and any other open footwear is prohibited). And yes, you must sign a waiver prior to throwing.


Surprisingly, there wasn’t a lot of strength involved. I let the axe go after bringing my arms forward. No wrist flicking whatsoever. I must’ve thrown 40 times, and while that sounds like a lot, it was over fairly quickly. The instructor complimented me throughout my throws, implying that I was a quick study. Not bad for a first time, right?


There are different avenues you can take to participate. There’s the walk-in, which is what I did, and that costs $10 for 10 throws. However, walk-ins are on a first come, first served basis.


You can also reserve the range, but that requires a minimum of six people. A 50% deposit must be made to set up the reservation, with the other half due upon arrival. Groups must be present 15 minutes prior to their scheduled throwing times, so everyone has time to sign waivers and go over some of the basic rules. The group reservation pricing is as follows:


  • 6-10 people $35/person
  • 11-20 people $30/person
  • 25+ $25/person


Meduseld has also been hosting a weekly Thursday evening axe-throwing league, which began in late April. The season is eight weeks long, with the final week being dedicated to a playoff style tournament. The league plays by National Axe Throwing Federation (NATF) standards. For a detailed description of those standards, please visit the NATF website. You may also send inquiries to Meduseld via email.

The axe throwing range while in use (photo courtesy of Meduseld Meadery’s Facebook page). 

It’s been a treat to witness the continued organic growth of this business. Nothing feels rushed and there’s a lot of heart and thoughtfulness that continues to go into it. Even if mead isn’t exactly your thing, there’s still an opportunity to find something about this place that you’ll love. The medieval imagery alone is worth a visit. There’s an undying charm to all of it. You won’t be disappointed.

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