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Community Interest

Locals Love Lancaster City

Nestled in the center of beautiful Pennsylvania farmland, Lancaster City has become a thriving destination for foodies, art lovers, and history buffs alike. If you’re lucky enough to call Lancaster City home, you know that over the past decade…

Community Interest

Fig asked, “What do you love about Lancaster City?”

Thank you to everyone who submitted their answers to Fig Lancaster through our social channels. Follow @figlancaster on Instagram and Facebook to see daily updates on living and loving local in Lancaster City.

Community Interest

S. Dale High’s gift to the community

In a bold and unique move—the likes of which are rare in business ownership—S. Dale High and his family have transferred ownership of High Industries from the family to High Foundation, whose mission is to invest in the community.

Community Interest

Introducing our 2022 Social Mission Partner: SACA

At Fig, we believe in the power of a community that works together to identify needs and find solutions—one that creates connections and is passionate about helping its neighbors. Each year, Fig partners with a nonprofit organization working to transform our community.

Education & History

Curiosity is Sparking at Solvit Academy

Picking the right education for your child is an important building block for their future, and Solvit Academy is offering full-day Kindergarten to start them on their journey. Located in the heart of Lancaster City…

Local Services

Introducing CET Live Design with Benjamin Roberts

Utilizing an intuitive space-planning software called CET Designer, the Benjamin Roberts designers and sales representatives can meet with you online for a live virtual design experience. As the designers build and make change to furniture plans…

Local Services

Simon Lever is celebrating 70 years of serving Lancaster

The CPA and business advisory firm Simon Lever celebrated an impressive milestone in 2021—70 years of serving the Lancaster community! When the company’s namesake opened his office on South Queen Street in 1951…

Fresh Figs Delivered to You

Designed and produced four times a year, Fig Lancaster magazine is filled with the latest in Lancaster including local shopping, dining, arts, events, and community.