Fresh Face: Fern.ish Home
Lindsey Barnes has always been interested in interior design. From a young age she was drawn to helping her mother decorate their home...

Lindsey Barnes has always been interested in interior design. From a young age she was drawn to helping her mother decorate their home...
Love was in the air spring of 2011 at Solanco High School. Phil and Laura just didn’t know it yet. From craft beer at a local brewery to sunset walks in Clearwater, FL…
Some people address the disorderly home with short-term “painkillers,” like new furniture. But others attack the root of the problem with serious “surgery” — a full remodel. That’s when they call EG Stoltzfus.
Fig Amplify is a new series created to amplify Black voices in Lancaster. We will hear from Business owners and advocates who are focused on positive progress toward racial equality in our community.
Julie Hillard, shares her story about how she found herself using her organization skills and the love of helping others to start her own company Peaceful Living Solutions.
Community First Fund aims to cultivate vibrant, diverse, and healthy communities throughout Lancaster and
Norm, and his brother in law Kyle Funk began their obsession with creating delicious beer in a turkey fryer in Norm’s Elizabethtown-based garage seven years ago...
Empowering stories about women who have big ideas and get things done.
I am passionate about supporting the local community of nonprofits, artists, and businesses.
I believe Lancaster punches above our weight as a city.