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Pen-Meets-Brush Magic with Lancaster City Poet Laureate, Dana Kinsey

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Pen-Meets-Brush Magic with Lancaster City Poet Laureate, Dana Kinsey

A 6-week, multi-genre expressive writing class with Lancaster City Poet Laureate, Dane Kinsey

Discover how visual art elevates your writing. Beginning and experienced writers are welcome. Through craft essays, open discussions, artists talks, anchor texts, curated prompts, and instructor feedback, find yourself and your stories among the compelling work at Lancaster Art Vault.

Class 1 Embrace Ekphrasis – Thursday, March 13, 6-8PM

“Description” in Greek. An ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art. Through the imaginative act of narrating and reflecting on the “action” of a painting or sculpture, the poet may amplify and expand its meaning.

Class 2 Produce a Prose Poem – Thursday, March 20, 6-8PM  

Prose poetry is a hybrid genre of prose and poetry. As a result, it has characteristics of both. Prose poetry is written like prose, in paragraphs rather than verse, but contains the characteristics of poetry, such as meter, language play, and a focus on images rather than narrative, plot, and character.

Class 3 Focus on Flash Nonfiction – Thursday, March 27, 6-8PM

Flash nonfiction usually runs between 500 to 1,000 words. Flash fiction goes by multiple names—microfiction, short-shorts, quick fiction, immediate fiction, and sudden fiction—and rambles through a variety of genres. Flash nonfiction focuses on memoir, essay, and factual writing. It contains a flashpoint in which readers are surprised by a sudden shift or startling moment.

Class 4 Have Fun with Flash Fiction – Thursday, April 3, 6-8PM

Flash fiction usually runs between 500 to 1,000 words.  The end of a flash fiction story must surprise the reader in some way. Flash often offers a resolution to the story that inverts themes, uncovers ironies, or offers unexpected dualities.

Class 5 Discover Dialogue Poems – Thursday, April 10, 6-8PM

Dialogue poems are conversations between two or more entities to discuss a controversial, or multifaceted, topic using poetic elements and techniques. While a conversation is at its root, a dialogue poem should enchant the reader’s ear and mind, be not only rhythmic but thought-provoking.

Class 6 Spread the Magic – Thursday, May 8, 6-8PM

Invite friends and family to hear and celebrate your words among the art that inspired them in a class performance. Participants will share completed work and receive written feedback from the instructor as well as an individualized list of potential journals for future publication based on your style and portfolio of work from the class.

Venue Details

Lancaster Art Vault

100 North Queen Street
Lancaster, PA 17603 United States
View Venue Website

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