Events Calendar

Red Rose Film Festival

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Red Rose Film Festival

November 8 November 10

The Red Rose Film Festival is dedicated to the growth & enrichment of the Central Pennsylvania film & small business community. 

Through the promotion of independent films, local economic development, and diverse perspectives from around the globe RRFF seeks impact Lancaster tourism, industry education, job creation, and better incentives for filmmakers to share their Global Perspectives with our community.

This year, Penn Cinema proudly becomes our title sponsor, in collaboration with presenting sponsor Willow Valley Communities. Films will be screened at two fantastic locations from November 8–10:

– November 8: Screenings will be held at Zoetropolis Cinema Stillhouse.

-November 9: Screenings will take place across four theaters at Penn Cinema, with a fifth dedicated to speaker panels for the weekend.

-November 10: Screening of Winning films will take place in both locations


Red Rose Film Festival


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