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Cargas: Investing in the Next Generation of Tech Leaders in Lancaster
Over the past several years, Cargas has donated to various programs specifically focused on STEM diversity along with over 500 volunteer hours to these impactful organizations. Some of these organizations collaborate directly with the Community Impact Team, while others are supported by Cargas team members. This special feature will spotlight the incredible work these community partners do.

Since its founding in 1988, Cargas, an employee-owned software company, has empowered STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) professionals to hone their skills and create meaningful change in their communities. With a purpose of Shared Success, Cargas has a focus on giving back to help create a vibrant community where everyone can live and thrive. And as their team has grown, they’ve refined this passion into a commitment to investing in STEM diversity.
Their initial focus was on young adults entering the workforce, but as they realized interest and confidence in STEM careers start much earlier in life, they also began supporting organizations geared towards younger generations as well.
Over the past several years, Cargas has donated to various programs specifically focused on STEM diversity along with over 500 volunteer hours to these impactful organizations. Some of these organizations collaborate directly with the Community Impact Team, while others are supported by Cargas team members. This special feature will spotlight the incredible work these community partners do.

Bright Side Opportunities Center is a Lancaster-based nonprofit organization offering countless resources, events, and activities to enrich the lives of participants. Cargas has sponsored Bright Side Opportunities Center since 2019, with particular focus on the All-Star Code program, which focuses on high school-aged men of color, and the Girls Who Code program for high school girls. Both programs meet the needs of high school students interested in computer science, providing an opportunity to learn and build a portfolio.

Since 2013, Cargas has partnered with The Lancaster Science Factory, whose mission is to inspire curiosity, creativity, and confidence by fostering an inclusive environment for hands-on STEM exploration. From serving on the organization’s board and at the Science Café to helping young girls hone their skills through Girls Code Club, Cargas team members have invested in learners and thinkers at The Lancaster Science Factory.

Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology (TSCT) is a public technical college that offers two-year accredited technical education. More than 1,300 students attend TSCT annually across 24 technical programs. Cargas is a longtime partner of TSCT and Cargas’ founder, Chip Cargas, currently serves on the Board of Trustees. One major impact is Cargas’ foundational relationship for the Computer Software Engineering Technology degree, where they aid in the strategic direction of the program. In addition, Cargas has provided TSCT students with internship opportunities, some of which turn into full-time job opportunities.

LCCT Foundation
Cargas’ President & CEO Nate Scott is a Board Member for the Lancaster County Career & Technology Foundation. The foundation’s goal is to ensure the center has the materials, equipment, and funding to provide the best career training for high school students and adults. Through Nate’s position on the Board, Cargas has had the honor of supporting events including Fly on the Run, an annual banquet and fly-fishing tournament that raises funds for student scholarships and STEM grants.

Cargas believes the development of advanced technology within Central Pennsylvania will expand opportunities to address underrepresentation in tech. Through the support of Tech Council of Central PA (TCCP), Cargas has supported STEM diversity initiatives, particularly those for women, as they helped found the Women in Tech mentorship program to support college students entering the workplace. The WIT Mentoring Program is a seven-month program that matches TCCP members who are currently working in tech with undergrad students representing the future of women in the tech industry.

Cargas regularly contributes to the Cargas Community Fund, an endowment at the Lancaster County Community Foundation that awards grants to nonprofits focused on STEM diversity. This corporate-advised fund has been built up since 2016, and today it has the power to create a significant and sustainable community impact. Anyone can donate to this fund online.
Looking Forward
Cargas’ passion for the development of STEM careers, particularly in the areas of diversity and inclusion, has led the team to partner with incredible organizations throughout the Lancaster community. They hope to create a legacy of success, compassion, and enthusiasm that will have a lasting transformation for STEM—in Lancaster and beyond.