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Community Interest

High Five: Isiah L. Perry

Program Director at Bright Side Opportunities Center, Isiah L. Perry is an important piece in helping people thrive emotionally, physically, and intellectually through his work at Bright Side.

Local Services

Fresh Face: Immigreat Lancaster

Immigreat Lancaster is a nonprofit helping employers integrate the unique brilliance of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants into their organizations.

Local Services

Fresh Face: Aspire WorkLabs

Located on the corner of Queen and Orange Streets, Aspire WorkLabs has opened office space designed for the modern worker. The space is co-located with Aspire Ventures, a venture firm that specializes in healthcare startups…


Shop local in Lancaster City for the holidays

The 2023 Lancaster City Holiday Retail Trail was created by Fig to encourage everyone to support small businesses this holiday season in partnership with City of Lancaster, Discover Lancaster, Fulton Bank, and Willow Valley Communities.

Fresh Figs Delivered to You

Designed and produced four times a year, Fig Lancaster magazine is filled with the latest in Lancaster including local shopping, dining, arts, events, and community.